Our Admissions Team is Here for YOU!

We know applying to a new school can feel overwhelming. 我们在圣约大学的招生团队在这里帮助你完成整个过程. To get started, please follow the steps below. 

List of 6 items.

  • Step 1: Visit the School

    我们热忱邀请未来的家长和学生安排一个或两个校区的亲自参观. 我们的招生办公室也安排了Zoom会议和与潜在家庭的电话联系. 请通过打电话或发电子邮件预约电话或jdb电子游戏招生办公室. 

    Hickory Campus:
    Betsy Carter
    Director of Admissions and Financial Aid

    Birdwood Campus:
    Amanda Brown
    Lower School Admissions Director
    (434) 220-8125
  • Step 2: Submit Application

    How to Apply Online

    OnCampus是我们跟踪申请人入学过程的平台. It is also where you will find our online Application for Admission. 我们的2025-26学年入学申请将于9月1日开放,我们鼓励家庭在1月31日截止日期之前申请.  (注意:所有申请材料包括成绩单和老师推荐信必须在2月10日前收到). After this deadline, 我们提供滚动录取等待申请资格和空间可用性. There is a $75 non-refundable application fee.


    如果你没有事先询问就申请,你需要创建一个帐户. 在过去一年内查询过的家长已经有了onCampus的用户名. 您需要检索这个用户名,然后创建一个密码.

    • Go to onCampus.
    • 请单击“忘记登录”或“首次登录”获取登录信息?"
    • 输入您在查询阶段使用的电子邮件地址,并选中“用户名”和“密码”框.
    • You will receive two follow-up emails. 一个(主题行:“用户名请求”)将提供您的用户名. 另一个(主题行:“密码请求URL”)将提供设置密码的说明.

    To complete an Application for Admission, login to onCampus.
    • Click on your child's name in the top left corner.
    • View the “Checklist” under “Admissions Progress.”
    • Click the “Fill Out” button to start the online application.

  • 第三步:向现就读学校提交成绩单发布表和推荐表

    Once an application has been received, 招生办公室的人会联系你,为接下来的步骤提供必要的文书工作.

    T成绩单发布表(1-12年级)应在不早于以下日期签署并提交给申请人的当前学校 December 1. 申请学前班至12年级学生的教师推荐表应以电子方式通过我们的校园平台提交给申请人的现任老师 December 1. 推荐信将直接寄回招生办公室. 申请6-12年级的学生需要两份推荐表格. Homeschooled students must also complete the Addendum Form.
  • Step 4: Participate in Admissions Testing

    Lower School
    低年级申请者将在伯德伍德校区的预约时间内进行评估.  This admissions testing takes approximately 1-1.5 hours to complete.

    Middle School
    中学申请人将在Hickory校园的预定预约期间进行评估.  This admissions testing takes approximately 2 hours to complete.

    Upper School
    高中申请者可以提交PSAT, SAT, PACT, ACT或SSAT成绩供考虑.  没有这些分数的申请人需要在Hickory校园的预约时间内参加erb考试,作为录取过程的一部分.
  • Step 5: Student Visit

    我们强烈建议进入1-12年级的申请者花一天的时间来上课. Visitors are assigned a host to shadow during the day, 让他们有机会与学生和老师见面,并亲身了解圣约的独特之处. We will begin scheduling student visits in late October.
  • Step 6: Student Interview (Middle and Upper Schools only)

    学生面试是初中和高中申请者申请过程的重要组成部分. 作为录取过程的最后一步,虚拟或面对面的面试将根据具体情况为符合条件的申请人提供.
For questions about the application process, please contact admissions@youjingxian.com.

Admission Decision

招生委员会在2月下旬向Pre-K和K的申请人发送第一轮录取通知书和入学合同,在3月初向1-12年级的申请人发送第一轮录取通知书和入学合同. 在一年的剩余时间里,根据每个年级的空间可用性,有一个滚动的录取过程.

Contact Us

Middle and Upper School
Grades 6 through 12
175 Hickory Street

Charlottesville, VA 22902

Betsy Carter
Director of Admissions and Financial Aid
Birdwood Campus 
Lower School
Pre-K through Grade 5
1000 Birdwood Road 

Charlottesville, VA 22903


Amanda Brown
Lower School Admissions Director
(434) 220-8125

The Covenant School does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, sex, nationality, 或者在其教育政策的管理上的种族起源, admissions policies, financial aid awards, or athletic and other school-related programs.

The Covenant School

Birdwood Campus | Lower School | Pre-K–Grade 5 |
1000 Birdwood Road Charlottesville, VA 22903 | 434.220.7309

Hickory Campus | Middle and Upper School | Grades 6–12 | 175 Hickory Street Charlottesville, VA 22902 | 434.220.7329
Located in Charlottesville, VA, The Covenant School is a non-denominational, private, Christian day school for Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. Students benefit from a challenging academic program, visual and performing arts, competitive athletics, and a wide selection of extracurricular activities.